Renee Latrice Merritt-Smith – 1961-2022

Renee Latrice Merritt-Smith – 1961-2022

Renee Latrice Merritt Smith, 60, of Little Rock, Ark., passed through Heaven’s doors on January 26, 2022. Missing her smiles, love and attention are: her children, Karmesha Smith, Kandace Smith, Steve Smith Sr. and LaTosha Smith Brown; siblings, Dwight (Anita) Merritt, Otha Merritt Jr., Wayne (Sheila) Merritt, Machelle (Mark Sr.) Harris; and a host of grandchildren and godchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, Otha and Fletcher L. Merritt, Sr. and her sister, Karen Merritt.

Family hour Friday, February 4, 2022, at 6 to 7 p.m. Funeral service Saturday, February 5, 2022, at 11 a.m. Both services will be held at New Dora Baptist Church, 317 Jamison Ave, North Little Rock, Ark., 72117.

Final resting place is Rest In Peace Cemetery, Hensley, Ark.

2 thoughts on “Renee Latrice Merritt-Smith – 1961-2022”

  • To the Smith Family
    We take this time to expres our personal condolences to the family of Renee L M Smith. Our deepest thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends during this time of great sadness. We encourage all grieving hearts to please draw tender comfort and mercy from this loving promise from God. In the promise, God tells us that He would soon use His great powers to restore life back to a great host of those who have died. The promise is recorded at John 5:28-29. As the text states, that God would cause a calling to go forth to those in the grave to stand up in life again.. From this one promise God is giving us His personal guarantee that Renee, anda great host of others will stand up in life again. The resurrection arrangement will be possible because God is the source of life for all things. (Psalm 36:9) Really the future will bright not only for ourselves, but also for those who have fallen asleep in death. We certainly understand that many may have a meassure of doubt as to if this arrangment will really take place. So, to help all to develop strong faith in this promised blessing,, God has preserved nine accounts in the Bible that speaks about the resurrection hope from God. Here is just one such example that is recorded at Acts 9:36-42. I hope that all will get a chance to see how these verses apply to Renee and others in a very special way. So, in closing, we encourage all to please keep this promise of God near your hearts at all times. Remember that when God makes a promise, it becomes reality. For it is impossible for God to lie. (Titus 1:2)

  • To the family of Mother Renee Smith Larenzo & Denise express our sincere condolences, and extend prayers
    to your family. Mother Renee was a good friend , a confidant, and an awesome woman of God. I will always cherish our talks , and I will always keep her near in my heart. Love the Ketchum’s.

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