Tavie Lamar Hampton – 1963-2020

Tavie Lamar Hampton – 1963-2020

TAVIE HAMPTON, 57, transitioned 4-9-2020. Survivors: wife, Carol; mother, Queen Hampton; father, Warren (Anita); sisters, Tracy Tolbert, Letitia Hinton (Johnnie), Tina Phillips (Steve), and Jomia Coffey (Javaris).

Tavie served as Minister of Music at St. Mark Baptist Church, LR and St. Mark Community Church.

Viewing: noon-8 p.m., Wednesday, 4-15-2020, Ruffin & Jarrett Funeral Home.

There will be a livestream of the services on our Facebook page Thursday, April 16 at 11 a.m.
Just click here to access our page.

52 thoughts on “Tavie Lamar Hampton – 1963-2020”

  • You have touched the life of so many but your work here is done …..Rest in Peace my dear friend…the love of God shall forever keep you in our hearts…..May the comfort of the Lord continue to hold your family and friends in the cradle of his arms is our prayer .

    • Thank you two for your kind words. We appreciate your love and support. Blessings, The Hampton Family

    • Carol and the entire Hampton Family would like to thank each of you for your thoughts, prayers, acts of kindness, encouraging words, phone calls, visits, texts, DMs, social media posts, comments, plants, flowers, food and any other tokens of love shown. Sharing your personal memories of Tavie with us, has placed much needed smiles on our faces. Through your tremendous outpouring of love and concern, we realize how much Tavie was liked and loved. Please remain in prayer for our family as we work to try and recover from this loss. It has truly impacted us.

      Many blessings to you all,
      The Hampton Family


    • On behalf of Carol and the rest of the Hampton family, thank you for your kind words and prayers. It’s greatly appreciated.

    • On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your kind words and condolences..

    • On behalf of Carol, and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences.

    • On behalf Carol, and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences.

  • I wanted to express my sincere heartfelt sympathy for your loss. He will be missed and my prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.

  • A tribute to one of the most talented musicians I have ever seen . He really uplifted the choir while he was in college at OSU. He was loved by all who knew him. He was a hard worker on the field and on the keys. I know he will be greatly missed, but I know he is safe in our master’s arms. Love ya brother, until we meet again. RIH

    • Terrance Scott, Tavie loved his time at OSU, and he considered it a privilege to share his musical talents with the choir there. Thank you for your condolences.

  • Tavie Hampton will forever be remembered as our beloved Minister of Music at SMCC and a servant who labored for the Lord! We are both thankful and grateful that God would have our paths to intertwine with Tavie’s. As minister of music for St. Mark Community Church, Tavie operated with a spirit of excellence and a commitment of faithfulness! Tavie’s sense of humor and tough love for us will forever be engraved in our hearts. Tavie, may you Rest In Peace!

    • On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences.

  • I had the privilege to coach Tavie at McClellan High School. He was a joy to coach and a great person. He was a very special athlete that won the long jump and shot put at the Arkansas High School Meet of Champs in the highest classification in the state. He also was a great football player for us that received a scholarship to Oklahoma State University. I have very fond memories of Tavie Hampton. God bless his family and Tavie Rest In Peace. John Dedman

    • Thank you Coach. He loved sports and is now playing on a new team. On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences. God bless!

  • A good man has passed on. My heartfelt condolences to Tavie’s family during this difficult time.
    I was fortunate to have played football with Tavie at OSU and will always remember his contagious smile, hard work ethic, and positive attitude. He was an inspiration for me and I’m sure many others on our team. A good friend to all he met. He will be dearly missed by many.

    • On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences and kind words. Tavie loved his time at OSU and made some lasting friendships. Blessings!

  • I was a player with Tavie at OSU and he was one of the realest people I met, and the one that showed me it was OK to praise God to the fullest as a young player.

    Rest in Heaven Tavie!!!!!

    • Thank you so much for your kind words. Tavie talked frequently about his OSU days. On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences. Be blessed!

  • We express our deepest sympathy. We loved Tavie, and his family will remain in our thoughts and prayers. Sincerely, The Bennett Family (Tom, Christine, Gillettie, Tom III and Dionne)

    • Thank you all so much. We really appreciate your thoughts and prayers. On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences.

  • A long time friend of myself and my wife, Cassandra Swift, for many years in music ministry. When we needed a musician at the Gospel service at Little Rock Air Force Bass Chapel then Gospel Worship Center of Jacksonville, we did not hesitate to have Tavie be a part of our church music department and our family. So talented and truly a man of God who will be missed by all.

    • We appreciate the love.On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences.

  • My deepest Blessings and condolences to the Family and friends. During this time we believe He’s playing an anointed song for our Lord, Well Done, our good and faithful servant, your faithfulness and work has never gone unnoticed and even now it will never be forgotten, Let’s us all ride on as Christian Soldier’s until our day will come….
    Dr. Min. T. Street-Nation and Family

    • Thank you so very much for your kind words. On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences.

  • A good man has been called home. My condolences go out to Tavie’s family during these trying times. I was part of the Arkansas connection that went to Oklahoma State to play football. Tavie was a good player that always put God first in everything he did. He was a inspiration to all players that he came in contact with. His big smile and love for music will be missed. God does not make mistakes! Rest in Peace!

    • Thank you Leonard for being so kind. OSU is where he had some of his fondest memories. On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences.

  • A good man has been called home. My condolences go out to Tavie’s family during this difficult time. I was part of the Arkansas connection that played Football at Oklahoma State with Tavie. Tavie’s big smile and love for music will be missed by many. Any player tha came in contact with Tavie, walked away with a big smile on their face. he was a good football player who put God first in everything he did.
    Rest in Peace!

  • To Carol, Family and Friends of my dear friend/classmate/brother, “Tavie” such a gentleman:

    If he were here , I believe this is what he would say to us…
    Safely Home
    I am home in heaven, dear ones;
    Oh, so happy and so bright!
    There is perfect joy and beauty
    In the everlasting light.
    All the pain and grief is over,
    Every restless tossing passed;
    I am now at peace forever,
    Safely home in heaven at last.
    There is work still waiting for you,
    So you must not idly stand.
    Do it now while life remainth—-
    and you too shall rest in God’s land.
    When that work is all completed,
    He will gently call you home;
    Oh, the rapture of that meeting
    Oh, the joy to see you come!

    Rest in love #77, #96 Till we meet again
    On behalf of the Class of 1981
    “McClellan Lions”
    Your classmate,
    Valerie Hinton

    • Val, thank you for sharing such a beautiful poem. On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences. May many blessings come your way!

  • We extend our deepest sympathy to Tavie’s family. Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you. Tom, Christine, Dionne, Gillettie, and Tom III.

    • Thank you Bennett family. We appreciate your thoughts. On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences. Blessings to you all!

  • With Sympathy, caring thoughts and prayers, may your precious memories of Tavie bring you comfort and peace.
    Love and blessings,
    Your Chicago Family, Sheila F. Sims

    • Thank you for reaching out family! On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences. Stay safe & be blessed!♥️

  • My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Tavie Hampton, to the St. Mark Community Church family, and all churches that were blessed by his presence at some point or time. Truly Tavie was one of the kindest musicians I have ever met. He was faithful to fellowship and answered anytime we called. I am grateful to have worked with him in any capacity and I am honored that God saw fit to allow me to know Him.
    Continual Prayers to the Family Hampton

    • Crystal, thank you for such sweet words and your prayers. On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences. A multitude of blessings to you and yours!

  • Our heartfelt condolences and prayers for comfort and peace to the family. Tavie was a blessing to all who knew and loved him. RIP

    • Thank you two for your thoughts and prayers. On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences. Continuous blessings!

  • Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family. He will truly be missed by St. Mark Community Church Family.

    • Thank you both for your thoughts and prayers. On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences. Many blessings!

    • Thank you so much Adrienne for your thoughts and prayers. On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences. Love & blessings!

  • It is with deep and sincere sympathy that we: James Cleveland Chorus and Northern California Chapter (GMWA) offer our condolences to Min Tavie’s family and to the St Mark church. Tavie was a wonderful professional Christian musician that was knowledgeable in music and the word. What a wonderful brother and friend he was to ME. I’ll will never forget his friendship, kindness and generosity. May the family be comforted by warm memories of this gentleman and God’s grace and tender mercies. RIP = Rise in peace!

    • Thank you Steven, the JCC & NCC GMWA. I know Tavie really enjoyed working with you and appreciated you serving as clinician in the SMCC workshops. On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences. Many, many blessings to you all!

  • May God give my beloved brother in Christ his eternal rest and peace in His presence. We love you Carol…

    • On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences. We appreciate you. Blessings!

  • We know that you are with our Lord and Savior now Tavie. Your GOD given gift of music and your ability to bring out , and highlight the best in the ability of those who sing and play music, was phenomenal. Your transition leaves an unfillable hole in our hearts, as we recall the memories of how GOD has blessed so many through your gift of music and leadership. May GOD comfort and strengthen your family during this difficult time, as we look through eyes of blessed hope and faith to a joyous reunion in heaven when music, song, and praise to our GOD will have no end. All pain and sickness experienced in this world will be no more — as when we see Him we shall be like Him — no pain, no sickness, no sorrow — glory, glory, glory, hallelujah —forever and ever, and ever!!!

    • Thank you both for your encouraging words. On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences. Blessings & Favor to you and yours.

  • We thank God that Tavie’s talent was allowed to be shared with so many in the religious community. Carol you and the Hampton family will continue to be in our prayers.

    Beverly and Ardren Jones

    • We appreciate you two for your kindness. On behalf of Carol and the entire Hampton family, we would like to thank you for your condolences. Blessings upon blessings!

  • Thank you both for your thoughts and prayers. The entire family appreciates you reaching out. Blessings, The Hampton Family

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